
Deliver us the moon fortuna
Deliver us the moon fortuna

Nur indem Sie sich auf Ihren Verstand verlassen, wird es Ihnen gelingen, der Menschheit den Mond zu bringen. Gemeinsam werden Sie den Mond bereisen, verlassene Fabrikanlagen erkunden, Hinweise sammeln und schließlich die Geheimnisse und versteckten Vorhaben, die im Spiel sind, offenlegen.

deliver us the moon fortuna

Ihre einzige Gesellschaft bei Ihrem Abenteuer ist ein kleiner Roboter namens ASE. Heute, Jahre später, übernehmen Sie die Rolle des letzten Astronauten der Erde, der, zum Äußersten entschlossen, herausfinden will, was damals wirklich passiert ist, um die gesamte Menschheit zu retten. Unfortunately, that ride ended with the original content from Fortuna, as Deliver Us The Moon’s final act felt like it was lost in space. Die World Space Agency kolonisierte den Erdtrabanten und operierte von dort aus, bis in einer schicksalshaften Nacht die gesamte Kommunikation mit der Erde zum Erliegen kam und die Energiequelle verloren war. Deliver Us The Moon - as it is now called - takes players on a science fiction thrill ride as they search for answers and resources on the moon to save a dying Earth.

deliver us the moon fortuna

Im Bemühen, die Energiekrise zu lösen, gründeten die Weltmächte die "World Space Agency" und entdeckten auf dem Mond eine vielversprechende neue Energiequelle. Deliver Us The Moon spielt in der nahen Zukunft, in der sämtliche Ressourcen der Erde aufgebraucht sind.Go Gentle Into That Good Night (Bonus Track) Contains crew quarters, a maintenance facility, a vehicle bay and monorail stations.Ī moon crater in which the Reinhold mining facility is located.Datenschutzhinweis für externe Soundtrack-Widgets von Spotify. The surface arrival station of the space-elevator and a logistic, social and transportation hub for the moon colony. One of its sections (Orion wing) is still under construction, because the Lunar Council has denied further shipments of material. The experience starts out strong and ends strong some of the middle. The lunar settlement is a fascinating place to explore, and even though it’s just filled with holographic ghosts, you get a sense of how it was once thriving and what exactly went wrong. We see that players are captivated by the Deliver Us The Moon universe, says KeokeN Interactive founder Koen Deetman. Deliver Us the Moon is an excellently made game that succeeds in story and atmosphere.

deliver us the moon fortuna

It is where the game begins and the players must launch themselves in a rocket towards the moon.Ī spacestation located above the moon, at the end of a space-elevator fixed to the moon's surface. Concluding the story that began in Fortuna, the DLC delivers the gripping resolution to a lone astronaut’s journey to the moon. Locations NameĪ Kazakh cosmodrome located in the desert next to Atyrau, Kazakhstan. Experience weightless freedom and traverse the moon by foot, rover and monorail. Play On The Moon Float around in space and glide across the lunar landscape. Unlock tools to overcome obstacles and dangers blocking your path. Environmental Puzzles The lunar bases fell into disrepair and have become a challenge to navigate. Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future where Earths natural resources are depleted. Deliver Us the Moon: Fortuna was both developed and published by KeokeN Interactive. It is split between playing in both a first-person and third-person perspective. The game is a sci-fi adventure played entirely in solo mode.


Surviving these hazards require an adventurer's mind. Deliver Us the Moon: Fortuna was released to play on PC on 28th September 2018. Navigate Hazards There is no oxygen in space and malfunctioning systems hinder your journey to and on the moon. Use your astronaut equipment to uncover the final moments of the lunar colony. Narrative Exploration Ruins of previous lunar missions have many stories and secrets to tell.

deliver us the moon fortuna

Only by relying on your wits will you have a chance at Gather clues and ultimately uncover the secrets and hidden agendas thatĪre at play. Together you will traverse the moon, explore abandoned facilities, During this adventure, your only companion is a small robot named ASE.

Deliver us the moon fortuna